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European Urban Freight Distribution Network

Binnenstadservice Netherlands and City Depot Belgium proudly announce the Kick off conference ‘European Urban Freight Distribution Network’ , October 24 and 25 in Hasselt,Belgium.

In this two-day conference, we’ll work towards the Kick-off of a partnership for sustainable operational distribution in Europe. Distribution on the same footing as Binnenstadservice and CityDepot. At the same time a European Knowledge Platform will be launched making sure that the distribution organisations in European cities feel surrounded by experience and expertise right from the beginning. This conference is intended for both distribution companies and their customers (shippers), as well as knowledge workers and local policy makers (governments): all stakeholders when it comes to urban distribution.

Never before distributors in European cities have been linked this way. A network of companies built on uniform principles adds a lot of value for shippers looking for a uniform solution in Europe. You can be there to witness the start.

European Urban Freight Distribution Network
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